On January 7, 2015, two gunmen entered the Paris office of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and killed twelve members of the staff. Further attacks on police and civilians ensued. Quickly branded in the US as France’s equivalent to 9/11, the incident incited debate over a wide range of issues: religious extremism, cultural conflict, political policies …
Freedom, Censorship, and Charlie Hebdo
As I listened to news of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, my first reaction was shock and condemnation. But, as events unfolded and news continued to pour out, I realized that blame might not be so easy to place. Of course, the attack was a tragedy as is every loss of human life, especially by …
Winter 2015
All Colloquia will take place in JFSB 4010 at 3:00pm unless otherwise specified. January 22 Tony Brown (German and Russian), Jennifer Bown (German and Russian), and Bill Eggington (Linguistics and English Language) “Developing Global Proficiency through Debate.” January 29 David Laraway (Spanish and Portuguese) “American Idiots: Outsider Music and the Philosophy of Incompetence” …
Answers and Questions: Yet Another New Year’s Resolution Blog Post
The following post was written by Beau Hilton, one of the Humanities Center’s Snow Fellows. Please forgive the cliché. New Year’s blog posts are worn out and profligate, and this one even commits the crime of tardiness. However I try to remain aloof from the notions and gyrations of New Year reflections and resolutions, I …