Disability Studies (DS) has emerged as a significant field in recent scholarship, particularly in world literature and visual culture. Originating in the social sciences during the 1980s, DS evolved into a critical mode of analysis within the humanities and arts by the 1990s.
Our newly formed DS group will meet several times each semester to read and discuss articles and books and workshop papers. We support university and college initiatives for belonging by including individuals with physical and cognitive impairments, aligning with post-pandemic efforts to foster inclusivity at BYU. This group also complements emerging discussions on health and the humanities, particularly in light of the newly-announced medical school. DS offers unique perspectives that enrich the dialogue on humanistic approaches to health and wellness.
Currently, we have a dedicated cohort of faculty members who are actively engaged in DS research, focusing on East Asian, early American, and Italian literature and visual culture. Additionally, a recently-graduated MA student is eager to contribute to this initiative. We invite other faculty and students interested in DS to join our efforts. Please contact Steve Riep for more information.