March 1 Undergraduate Fellow Nominations March 15 One-year Fellowship Applications October 1 Applications to decide theme for following year’s Humanities Center annual symposium November 1 Applications for research groups (funding for up to three years) December 1 Applications for book manuscript workshop (for all CFS faculty)
Rereading, Revisiting, Refining
Over Christmas break, I made the pilgrimage with my mom and sisters to see the latest Little Women adaptation. I found the film absolutely brilliant; director Greta Gerwig reimagines and restructures the story in a way that translates beautifully for a twenty-first century audience. I (a Jo, through and through) began crying right around the …
Happy New Year?
Happy New Year! Am I too late? What is the last day that this is allowed? I generally shoot for mid-January and after that, I just say hi, so I take back my Happy New Year and just say hi so as to keep with my own set of rules. There are many traditions around …
Towards a Transnational America
Though I’ve never been overly enthusiastic about New Year’s celebrations, the prospect of beginning both a new year and a fresh decade felt weightier and more significant for me this time around. During the anticipatory build-up towards the night of December 31st, I felt, as many do, the impulse to impose improved exercise regimes, implement …
The Pedestrian Reading: Poetics of an Impostor
As an undergraduate fellow, I understand my involvement on this platform to be, in part, a representation of the student experience and perspective. My peers have been especially articulate in fulfilling that role (recent posts on artistry, career, empathy, and spirituality feel like a decent spread of humanist thought!). But as I recently survived another …
NEH Workshop on Funding in Digital Humanities
Who: All faculty at universities in the state of Utah. What: A 90-minute National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Workshop on Funding in Digital Humanities. You can learn more about that officer here: When: October 23rd, 2020 at 10 am Where: It will be a virtual workshop led by Jennifer Serventi, Senior Program Officer, NEH …