Ep. 101: Hopkins’s Poetry and the Hope – and Rhythms – of New Creation, with Devon Abts

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 101: Hopkins’s Poetry and the Hope – and Rhythms – of New Creation, with Devon Abts

Devon Abts is Research and Operations Director for the Clemente Course in the Humanities, an organization whose mission is to provide transformative educational experiences, in the form of free college courses, for adults who face economic hardship and adverse circumstances. We speak with Devon about her work for this organization. But our primary conversation will …

Ep. 100: A Handful of Gems from Our First One Hundred Episodes

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 100: A Handful of Gems from Our First One Hundred Episodes

On this one hundredth episode of the Faith and Imagination podcast, its host, Matthew Wickman, commemorates some key moments from the early seasons of the podcast that captured what he wanted the podcast to be and gave further shape and direction to what he hoped it would become. We hope you enjoy reflecting back on our conversations …

Ep. 99 A Way of Writing, a Way of Living, with Scott Cairns, poet

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 99 A Way of Writing, a Way of Living, with Scott Cairns, poet

Scott Cairns is Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri. A librettist, essayist, translator, and author of a dozen poetry collections, he has long been a distinguished voice in American religious poetry and an influence on many of the poets we have featured on this podcast. We’re talking today about his latest collection, Correspondence …

Ep. 98: Deep Space, Deep Sea, and the Deep Heart of God, with Laura Reece Hogan, poet

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 98: Deep Space, Deep Sea, and the Deep Heart of God, with Laura Reece Hogan, poet

We welcome back to our podcast the award-winning poet and theologian Laura Reece Hogan. Laura is the author of a study of Paul’s theology, I Live, No Longer I: Paul’s Spirituality of Suffering, Transformation, and Joy, published in 2017, and of the poetry collections Litany of Flights and Butterfly Nebula. It is that latter collection, published in 2023, we …

Ep. 97: Faith and Wonder, with Steven E. Knepper, Virginia Military Institute

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 97: Faith and Wonder, with Steven E. Knepper, Virginia Military Institute

Steven Knepper is Associate Professor of English and Bruce C. Gottwald, Jr. ’81 Chair for Academic Excellence at Virginia Military Institute. A scholar as well as a poet, Steve is the collaborative author of a book on the work of the South Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han, the editor of a volume on the Irish philosopher …

Ep. 96: Contemplative – and Transformative – Reading, with Stephanie Paulsell, Harvard Divinity School

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 96: Contemplative – and Transformative – Reading, with Stephanie Paulsell, Harvard Divinity School

In Season 3, Matthew Wickman spoke with Stephanie Paulsell, who was Susan Shallcross Swarz Professor of the Practice of Christian Studies at Harvard Divinity School and Faculty Dean of Eliot House at Harvard College. Paulsell, author of books on Virginia Woolf and Toni Morrison, as well as articles on other literary figures and Biblical texts, …

Ep. 95: God’s Risk in Creation, with Jane Clark Scharl, Poet

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 95: God’s Risk in Creation, with Jane Clark Scharl, Poet

The concluding poem from Jane Clark Scharl’s 2024 debut collection Ponds addresses the risk God takes in creating a world that can be almost mesmerizingly beautiful – a risk, Scharl writes, that “entices [us] to look / no further than” the world itself, to miss perceiving God through the radiance of what strikes our senses. Scharl is …

Ep. 94 On Deepening Our Religious Experience: An Invitation to Poetry for the Church, with Abram Van Engen, St. Louis University

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Ep. 94 On Deepening Our Religious Experience: An Invitation to Poetry for the Church, with Abram Van Engen, St. Louis University

Abram Van Engen is the Stanley Elkin Professor in the Humanities and Chair of the Department of English at Washington University in St. Louis. He specializes in American literature, and is the author of City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism. We talk with him about his latest book, Word Made Fresh: An Invitation to …


Season 4 wrap-up: conversation with Faith and Imagination podcast producers Sophia Snyder and Starly Pratt

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Season 4 wrap-up: conversation with Faith and Imagination podcast producers Sophia Snyder and Starly Pratt

As is traditional for this podcast, we conclude this season of episodes by reflecting together as a production team on the podcast as a whole, on our extraordinary guests, and on some moments in conversation with these guests that made a particular impression on us.


“I Was in Prison and You Visited Me,” with Andrew Skotnicki, Manhattan College

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
“I Was in Prison and You Visited Me,” with Andrew Skotnicki, Manhattan College

Andrew Skotnicki is Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College. He has been a devoted minister to people in prison for more than a half century, and we discuss some of the lessons that ministry has taught him, problems he perceives with our system of criminal justice, and the blessings he has received from heeding …