This post was written by Mark Davies, HC Fellow, Department of Linguistics and English Language The College of Humanities has faculty from across a wide range of disciplines, including literary studies, cultural studies, linguistics, and language pedagogy. In addition to the wide range of topics covered by faculty in these different fields, there are also …
The Emotional Hook—and Am I the Fish?
This post was written by Carlee Schmidt Reber, Humanities Center Student Fellow We’ve all had one of those hodge-podge dreams where the book, TV series, and movie you recently watched mix themselves into a tangled narrative in which you are centrally involved. It’s always about ten minutes after I wake up, getting ready in the …
It’s a Long Story: Victorian Short Fiction Project
This blog post features the work of Leslee Thorne-Murphy, Department of English This week, the Humanities Center is pleased to feature the work of Leslee Thorne-Murphy. Over the last decade, Dr. Thorne-Murphy’s work on Victorian short fiction has become an invaluable resource to scholars interested in Victorian literature and those interested more broadly in short fiction. …