The Ice is Melting

For some, the college admissions scandal that proliferated headlines last week was revelatory; in an unprecedented move, Federal prosecutors charged 50 people with the “largest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the Justice Department.”1 Included among the accused are actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman, with the details of the scandal encompassing direct cheating, bribery, and …

A Bridge Over the Abyss

Two of my teenage son’s friends committed suicide this winter. Their situations were different, their challenges particular to their lives, but their deaths both came as a profound shock to me and my son. I found myself weeping for days, mourning the loss of the light that these young men took with them out of …

Never Again

On my way back from a visit home to Idaho last week, I saw a billboard on the side of the freeway that caught my attention. It was a black and white picture of a little Japanese American girl sitting atop a pile of belongings, and underneath were written the words “Never Again is Now.” …