Colloquium: Beth Piatote

Date(s) - 11/21/2024
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

4010 JFSB


The Humanities Center welcomes Beth Piatote, UC Berkeley, as our colloquium speaker on Thursday, November 21 at 3:00 pm in 4010 JFSB. We hope you will join us.

Title: “Indigenous Joy and Language Revitalization”

Working in endangered languages can be daunting and at times overwhelming, but it also brings great joy. In this talk, I focus on the aspects of joy, discovery, and connection that fuel my own work of language revitalization in Nez Perce and share examples and stories from other Indigenous language workers. Our Indigenous languages give us opportunities to live in other grammars of being and relating to the world, and offer great aesthetic, intellectual, and emotional power.


About our guest:
Beth Piatote is a Nez Perce writer and scholar, and associate professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of two books: Domestic Subjects: Gender, Citizenship, and Law in Native American Literature (Yale 2013) and The Beadworkers: Stories (Counterpoint 2019). Her research interests include Native American literature and law, Indigenous language revitalization, and creative writing; her scholarly and creative work has appeared in American Quarterly, PMLA, Kenyon Review, POETRY, World Literature Today, and various anthologies and journals. Piatote currently serves as Director of the Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley, and Graduate Advisor for the Designated Emphasis in Indigenous Language Revitalization.

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