Date(s) - 11/02/2017
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
The Wall
Dawan Coombs, will present for the Humanities Center’s Colloquium on Thursday, November 2nd at 3:00 PM in 4010 JFSB.
Title: “Ideological Becoming: The Possibilities of Dialogical Pedagogy”
Russian literary critic and philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin explored the dialogic aspects of language and the role of dialogism in literary works. But the implications of his philosophies extend beyond the literary and into the realm of the social. He explained that “the single adequate form for verbally expressing authentic human existence is the open-ended dialogue” (293). Only in dialogue with others can one truly understand the self.
The influence of Bakhtin’s work can be found in a number of fields, including sociology, psychology, philosophy, and education. This presentation explores the implications of Bakhtin’s ideas about language and dialogical exchanges when applied to the context of the classroom. Specifically, the need for and benefits that result from creating classroom spaces where students and teachers participate in in meaningful dialogues that honor all voices. Bakhtin’s theories offer a helpful framework for creating classroom spaces that support the raising and exploring of authentic questions, the valuing of multiple perspectives beyond our own, and ways to hold disparate ideas not in a finalized context, but in a state of becoming.