Date(s) - 05/14/2015 - 05/15/2015
1:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Jill Rudy (English), Jarom McDonald (Office of Digital Humanities), and their MEG students have organized a terrific two-day symposium centered on their FTTV (Fairy Tales on Television) project. The symposium will be held this Thursday and Friday, primarily in JFSB 1161 – the Digital Humanities Seminar Room. All are invited, even if only for a particular presentation here or there.
Thursday, May 14, Office of Digital Humanities Seminar Room, 1161 JFSB
1:30-welcome and symposium purpose, Matt Wickman, Humanities Center director
1:35-1:45-review of MEG grant and Fairy Tales on Television Visualization (FTTV) project, Jill Rudy; Madeleine Dresden, Megan Armknecht, Jessie Riddle, and Kristy Stewart
1:45-2:00-FTTV and related projects, Jarom McDonald, Office of Digital Humanities director
2:00-2:15-International Fairy Tale Filmography (IFTF) and related projects, Lexi Van Dyck and Pauline Greenhill, University of Winnipeg
2:15-2:30-Teleography and related projects, Kendra Magnus-Johnston, University of Manitoba
2:30-2:45-break, informal Q & A and discussion
2:45-3:00- Picture Book Apps and Immersive Exhibitions, Naomi Hamer, University of Winnipeg
3:00-3:15-#AllBirthsMatter: Digital Approaches to Birth and Social Class in Fairy Tales, Jeana Jorgensen, Butler University
3:15-3:30- What do you do with a million movie goers? Aggregation, Memory, and Plot Summary of Popular Films, Tim Tangherlini, UCLA
3:30-3:45-ScripThreads: A Screenplay Visualization and Analytics Tool, Carrie Roy, independent scholar
4:00-4:15-German Fairy Tales, Supernatural Creatures, and Contemporary American Pop Culture, Claudia Schwabe, Utah State University
4:15-4:30-Counting Tales: Toward an Algorithmic/Augmented Analysis of Narrative, John Laudun, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
4:30-4:45-synthesis, key research issues, and breakout group arrangements