
Metaphor, Memoir, and Christian Longing and Vision—All from a Midwest Farm, with Tiffany Eberle Kriner, Wheaton College

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Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast
Metaphor, Memoir, and Christian Longing and Vision—All from a Midwest Farm, with Tiffany Eberle Kriner, Wheaton College

Tiffany Eberle Kriner is associate professor of English at Wheaton College in Illinois. The author of the scholarly book The Future of the Word: An Eschatology of Reading as well as a number of articles and chapters in academic venues, Kriner is more recently the author of the memoir In Thought, Word, and Seed: Reckonings from a Midwest Farm, a book that shares her experience operating a sixty-acre farm against the backdrop of America’s racial troubles, the COVID pandemic, and her desire more fully to understand the grace and kingdom of God.

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