We are currently looking for a new group of Humanities Center undergraduate fellows. Generous donors have made it possible for us to fund at least four student fellowships – the equivalent of a full scholarship – next year. As always, our pool of candidates will consist solely of nominations sent by you, our faculty. The undergraduate fellows for next year cannot graduate before April 2026 and should represent our absolutely best, brightest, and most compelling students – and define that as you see fit. (One qualifier: these fellows need to be our majors and not simply our students; some of our best students are majors in other colleges.) We will compile a list of candidates and then interview them with other Center fellows, both faculty and undergrad. We would like to receive your nominations, if possible, by Friday, March 14. We’ll then arrange interviews with these students. Ideally, we’ll be able to announce the new fellows to you sometime at the beginning of April. You may send the nominations to Rex Nielson or to Brooke Browne (brooke_browne@byu.edu).