RVSG Guest Lecture: Paul Keen

Date(s) - 10/25/2018
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Education in Zion Auditorium


BYU’s Romantic and Victorian Studies Group will host Paul Keen from Carleton U. in Ottawa as part of this semester’s Book History Seminar. The main meeting will be on Thursday, October 25, from 4-5:30 PM in 4188 JFSB. While we’ll likely discuss a wide range of issues related to the history of the book, our point of departure will be the excerpts (see links below) from Paul’s recent publications on print culture in late 18th– and early 19th-century Britain.

Besides being a thoroughly pleasant and engaging speaker, Professor Keen ranks among the leading scholars of Romantic-era print culture. His monographs include The Crisis of Literature in the 1790s: Print Culture and the Public Sphere (Cambridge, 1999); Literature, Commerce, and the Spectacle of Modernity, 1750-1800 (Cambridge, 2012); and the forthcoming The Humanities in a Utilitarian Age: Imagining What We Know, 1800-1850 (Palgrave). Professor Keen has also edited (with Ina Ferris) the groundbreaking collection Bookish Histories: Books, Literature, and Commercial Modernity, 1700-1900 (Palgrave, 2009) and three print culture anthologies: The Radical Popular Press in Britain, 1817-1821 (6 vols., Pickering, 2003), Revolutions in Romantic Literature: An Anthology of Print Culture, 1780-1832 (Broadview, 2004), and The Age of Authors: An Anthology of 18th-Century Print Culture (Broadview, 2014).


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