All Colloquia will take place in JFSB 4010 at 3:00pm unless otherwise specified.
September 13Marianne Hirsch (Columbia University) |
October 4Digital Humanities Roundtable Discussion
October 11James Krause & Faith Blackhurst (Spanish & Portuguese) |
November 1Margarida Vale de Gato (University of Lisbon) |
November 8Earl Brown (Linguistics) The Door Has Opened Wide: Social Media as Linguistic Data for Language Researchers |
November 29Mark Purves (German & Russian) Facing Unpleasant Facts: The Insolubility of Disillusionment in Anton Chekhov’s Ivanov |
December 6Elliott Wise (Comparative Arts & Letters) Amber, Blood, and the Holy Face of Jesus: The Materiality of Devotion in Late Medieval Bruges |