A Few Thoughts on the Postsecular, Post-Paris

Friday, November 13 was a day of good fortune for the BYU Humanities Center. We held our Annual Symposium, and our guest, Caroline Levine (of the University of Wisconsin–Madison), could not have been more gracious, engaging, or interesting. But that same evening, a terrorist cell affiliated with ISIS launched a coordinated attack in Paris, detonating …

Living in Nostalgia: Disneyfied Re-creations of History

Originally perceived to be a psychological disorder, nostalgia, which is rooted in the Greek words nostos (longing) and algos (pain), was explored as a way to explain soldiers’ feelings of homesickness during war. As we’ve progressed since the seventeenth century conception of nostalgia, nostalgia has taken on many forms. Nostalgia has certainly contributed to the marketplace, …

Orca student presenters 2015


  Friday, October 16 from 3:00 – 5:00 PM in 4010 JFSB. Cai Elisabeth Olsen —” Mergulhando nos Bastidores: The Translation Errors Surrounding Grande Sertão Veredas” Ash McMurray — “Korean Drama and Philosophy” Ash’s research focused on how South Korean historical dramas advance the arguments of classical Chinese philosophy. He examined three dramas as argumentative …

Dirk Elzinga’s Research on Hopi Language and the Deseret Alphabet

In an effort to enact orthography reform during the nineteenth century, Brigham Young sought to implement a new phonetic alphabet for learning. Ultimately deciding, through the recommendation of Willard Richards, to separate from using any traditional characters in the new phonetic alphabet, Young allowed George D. Watt to create the Deseret Alphabet. This information is …