Originally perceived to be a psychological disorder, nostalgia, which is rooted in the Greek words nostos (longing) and algos (pain), was explored as a way to explain soldiers’ feelings of homesickness during war. As we’ve progressed since the seventeenth century conception of nostalgia, nostalgia has taken on many forms. Nostalgia has certainly contributed to the marketplace, …
Friday, October 16 from 3:00 – 5:00 PM in 4010 JFSB. Cai Elisabeth Olsen —” Mergulhando nos Bastidores: The Translation Errors Surrounding Grande Sertão Veredas” Ash McMurray — “Korean Drama and Philosophy” Ash’s research focused on how South Korean historical dramas advance the arguments of classical Chinese philosophy. He examined three dramas as argumentative …
“A Never Failing Spring in the Desert”
The following post was written by Chelsea Connelly, a student Fellow at the Center. As an employee of the library and an art history major, I am practically a religious devotee of the Harold B. Lee Library. I spend the majority of my school day there. Every semester since my freshman year, I have either …
Dirk Elzinga’s Research on Hopi Language and the Deseret Alphabet
In an effort to enact orthography reform during the nineteenth century, Brigham Young sought to implement a new phonetic alphabet for learning. Ultimately deciding, through the recommendation of Willard Richards, to separate from using any traditional characters in the new phonetic alphabet, Young allowed George D. Watt to create the Deseret Alphabet. This information is …
Conversations: Doris Sommer
Doris Sommer from Harvard University will be joining us via Skype on Friday, October 23 at 12:00 pm in room 4010. She will be discussing Public Humanities and aspects of her book, The Work of Art in the World.
Thoughts on Humor and Humility and on Rainforests as Resources for Laughter
The following post was written by Janis Nuckolls, a Faculty Fellow for the Center. While doing research for my PhD dissertation in a remote location in Amazonian Ecuador among Runa people, I had many amazing experiences. However, one experience in particular continues to be vivid. My friends and consultants had invited me to accompany them …
Mourning the Dead
In a powerful scene in James MacPherson’s Ossian poems, the king mourns the loss of his son in battle: “My eyes are blind with tears; but memory beams on my heart. How can I relate the mournful death of the head of the people! Prince of the warriors, Oscur, my son, shall I see thee …
Colloquium: Brian Price
Brian Price will present Mexico in the Key of Rock: Thoughts on Music, Literature, and Film at our weekly Colloquium on October 15th @ 3:00 in JFSB 4010. Catering by El Gallo Giro Mexican Grill.
The Moral Imagination, Crises of Conscience, and the End(s) of Literature
As the humanities and, more narrowly, literary studies suffer through something of a present-day identity crisis—as the number of majors dwindle, and as literary scholars migrate into media studies, the environmental humanities, and other fields—literary traditionalists seem increasingly given to creative defenses of the value of their work. This has been brought to mind recently …
Urban Narratives and the Provo City Planning Commission
In 2013, Dr. Jamin Rowan of the BYU English Department attended a neighborhood meeting to discuss the proposed routes for the new Bus Rapid Transit line that will soon connect the Provo and Orem Frontrunner stations. Although he had never imagined that he would be involved in city politics, participating in this meeting helped him …